0h 0m 0s
-333 days 11:06:53
Contest is over

Lägertävling upsolving

Time elapsed

21d 5h 0m 0s

Time Remaining

0h 0m 0s

Starts in

-333 days 11:06:53

Ends in



2024-02-04 17:40 CET


2024-02-25 22:40 CET

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Lägertävling upsolving


Compiler settings

We use ghc 9.4.7 to compile your program with the following command:

$ ghc -O2 -ferror-spans -threaded -rtsopts -o {executable} {files}

  • {files} is a space-separated list of all files.
  • {executable} is the compiled executable.

Runtime settings

We run your program with the following command:

$ {executable} +RTS -M{memlim}m -RTS

  • {executable} is the compiled executable.
  • {memlim} is the actual memory limit for the problem you are submitting to.

File Extensions

Files with any of the following file extensions will be used: .hs, .c

Additional information

Additional language-specific advice and information for many languages is available in the knowledge base